So, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had what I assumed to be heart palpitations. The symptoms would include me feeling like my heart would skip a beat, a fast heart rate, or a dull ache in my chest. I’ve had these symptoms for years, but I ignored them because I never had any worrying complications, and I didn’t want to face the fact I could have some kind of heart condition. This past December I finally decided to figure out what exactly was going on.
During my first visit with the cardiologist, I had a palpitation while he was listening to my heart with the stethoscope. At the end of the visit, he told me I would wear one of those wireless heart monitors you stick on your chest for two weeks. He also ordered a stress test, echocardiogram, and multiple EKG’s. When I went to my final visit with him, he told me everything came back normal and that my symptoms were likely due to anxiety. In all honesty, I am a pretty anxious person and I tend to worry a lot. I don’t remember if he gave me a diagnosis, but I do remember him saying something about sinus tachycardia. He didn’t prescribe anything other than to relax and enjoy life.
Up until recently I didn’t worry about my heart. Three weeks ago, however, during a high rep set of squats I had an experience that I never had before. After I finished a hard set, my heart was pounding, and it felt like I got dizzy. I decided to cut the workout there because I couldn’t focus. Since then, my heart health has been in the back of my mind, and I am once again worried I could have a heart condition.
My questions are: 1. Should I still be worried if the cardiologist told me I’m healthy? What are the chances he misdiagnosed me, and I have something like A Fib for example?
2. What could have caused the most recent episode? Could it be possible due to a lack of conditioning or training in a hot warehouse gym?
3. Do you have any recommendations? I’m 22 years old, 5’9, 160 lbs, and otherwise healthy.
Thanks guys