Hook Grip and RPE


Im running the beginner template, on phase 2 week 7 atm. 2 weeks ago I decided to learn the hook grip, I was using double overhand grip but it was starting to fail me. I was doing 4 reps @ RPE 8 with 140 kgs for normal double overhand grip on phase 1.

Since moving to hook grip, since I’m trying to adapt to it as fast as possible, I had to drop in weight considerably, I’m now doing 100-105 kg for 4 reps @ RPE 9 for example, I’m now considering my thumb for RPE, e.g., my RPE takes in consideration the almost unbearable pain the hook grip is causing, so I’m not really fatiguing the muscles at a RPE 9 rate, if you know what I mean.

Is this ok? Would you do it differently?

I really want to learn this grip so I’m fine with having lowered the weights to learn this. Just wanted to hear your input.

Many thanks

Hi Daniel,
I would carry on with the hook grip and your RPE assessments. You should adapt to this fairly quickly and then you’ll be able to lift more weight. In the meantime, using a weight that you can successfully hook grip will be important to adapting to it. So carry on, while knowing that your thumb pain is very temporary, so continue to fight that for the limited time you’re pulling a rep.


Hey Leah, many thanks for the reply, I had a feeling I was on the right track but it’s nice to have confirmation from the experts.

Have a great day!

Hey Leah,

I’m having an issue related to the one Daniel’s having, but in a somewhat different context, so thought I’d grab the opportunity to check with you. I just started Powerbuilding I v. 3.0. I’ve done the Beginner program and have run through The Bridge version v. 1.0 twice. Yesterday was the first time I’ve ever attempted Romanian DLs. In trying to work my way up to an RPE 6, I discovered I couldn’t hang on to enough weight to tax my back and legs enough. I tried alternate grip and hooking (which works fine for my deadlifting), and while that was better, the last 3 reps of the 10 rep set were excruciating, and I still wasn’t lifting heavy enough. Best I could do was get to maybe an RPE 5…felt like my back could keep going for much longer.

I was going to buy some lifting straps and strap the RDL sets, but when I saw this thread I thought I’d get your opinion.

Thanks for everything,

Hi Adapter! Another fairly common situation for pulls, and with something like the RDLs, SLDL, and other supplemental pulls, or even high rep DLs with multiple sets, straps can be invaluable.

Thank you Coach! I will carry on accordingly!