For example, for 2ct paused DL / 2ct paused BP, I suppose to paused 2 full seconds, but in Jordan’s demonstrations, 2ct pause always like 1 second, and I am not even able to tell the different between 2ct and 3ct pause
Again, people severely over-estimate the significance here. You are welcome to use full seconds if you’d like, as long as you’re consistent week to week - the only difference is that you’ll use less weight for a given RPE target.
Please allow me to nerd out a bit on this issue. According to the following study, the stretch reflex in the bench press can be modeled by a decaying exponential with half-life 0.85 seconds:
I timed myself saying “one Mississippi” (the Midwestern version of “one and”) and found it took on average .8 seconds, albeit with considerable variance.
I conclude that a one count eliminates about half the stretch reflex, a two count about 3/4ths, a three count essentially all of it, and going beyond that is useless.
This is cool stuff, Patrick! I should have been more clear/accurate in my last post.
I think this is something most experienced lifters have probably “intuited” just by using varying pause lengths, and is probably reflected by the fact that we don’t program anything longer than a 3-count pause.
Deep down, we all know (and can feel) that a 1-count doesn’t doesn’t fully eliminate the reflex. And that can be OK, because if you’re a technically proficient bencher you can often get a “press” command in a meet after the equivalent of a 1-count.