Hi. Still reading through PPFST. The repetition continuum written in there shows hypertrophic response in the 1-5 rep range as “stong” and this stays “strong” through 15 reps. Is this wrong? or is the point of higher rep sets to acrew greater stress through volume that still affects hypertrophy without causing fatigue from higher intensity that prevents more reps and sets?
I’m not sure what is meant by this:
shows hypertrophic response in the 1-5 rep range as “stong” and this stays “strong” through 15 reps.
Could you clarify the question?
If you’re interpreting the diagram as suggesting that you stimulate some amount of muscular hypertrophy across that rep range, that would be accurate to an extent.
But if you’re reading that you get equivalent hypertrophy across that range, regardless of total volume, then that wouldn’t be accurate.
There is no real “hypertrophy rep range”. Since volume is what matters for hypertrophy, there are practical considerations to keep in mind. For this reason, doing very heavy singles specifically for hypertrophy is not the best way to go about it.
Hell yeah thanks for the reply!