Hi everyone. This is my first post in this forum. I tend to write a lot so I’ll try to make this as quick as possible.
I finished the first version of the Oly program around three weeks ago. I still don’t lift a lot but I noticed I got sligthly bigger numbers when I finished.
My main goal would be to switch to Oly fully, but there’s no coach in my area so I thought of doing the 12 week Oly program and keep going.
But before starting, I was unsure to do either the powerlifting template or an hypertrophy template. After days of thinking on it, I decided on the 10 week Powerbuilding template.
I would have been supposed to finish week 3 this weekend but due to problems with my work schedule and a lot of unplanned things, this is more or less what happened in the last three weeks:
Week 1: Missed the gym completely
Week 2: Finished day 1 and 2 of the low stress week in powerbuilding template
Week 3: Today, wednesday, would be my first training session in the week. If I go to the gym today, I can still train the following days until saturday.
So I am unsure wheter to try to repeat the low stress week, training all four days in a row, or move on to week 2.
I am also very unmotivated, I feel like skipping this week too. Not to mention this new semester my school schedule will be all over the place, I have no idea at what time I will go to the gym.
So any advice you can give me is welcome. Thanks a lot.