Intra-workout nutrition


Context: I workout in the mornings and have a 50g carb / 50g protein shake ~1.5hrs before I start training. I’m currently doing a 3x a week Texas method template. Workouts last between 1.5 to 2hrs. I have a 50g protein meal or shake 30 mins to an hour after training. I’m an 85kg male

What benefits, if any, would there be to having some intra workout nutrition? Carbs / EAAs maybe?


I do not think the evidence suggests there is a reliable benefit of intraworkout nutrition in resistance training period, though I would hypothesize the potential benefit gets more and more likely the longer sessions go (>2.5-3 hours). In this case, I would not advocate for intraworkout nutrition unless you prefer it and/or it helps you reach your daily nutrition goals.

I would also STRONGLY RECOMMEND dropkicking the texas method as a program. There are better options available for free and otherwise, our bridge program being one of them.

Cheers that’s very helpful!