Jay gets strong

So about 10 months ago I posted a question to Jordan about weight gain/loss. At the time I was 208lbs with a 35.75"… and then I didn’t follow his advice and screwed around program hopping since then. I believe I have gained SOME lean mass since then (214 lbs with waist of 35.5" this morning), but I haven’t really gotten any stronger.
Then with further reflection, I realized I’m not lifting that much more absolute weight than I did at 18 years old (currently 25) with about a year and a half of training and that REALLY irked me.
I am now embarking on the voyage of getting strong, and will be doing my best to keep my log updated on here for self accountability.

Starting Body Stats:
Average weight so far this week: 213#
Height: 6’2"
Waist: 35.5"

Currently eating 3300 calories/day (220p 460c 65f) and am going to aim to gain 0.25-0.5 lbs/week. Going to titrate the calories as needed.

Training so far this week:
Squat w/ belt: 425x1@8, 380x5@9, 330x5x3
1ct Pause Bench Press: 225x1@8ish, 210x5@8, 185x5x3 sets
Strict Press: 95x10@6.5-7, 110x10@8, 120x10@9, 110x10@9

Deadlift w/ belt: 505x1@8
Floor Press: 190x5@6, 205x5@8, 215x5@9, 200x5
303 Tempo Squat: 225x10@6, 260x10@7, 270x10@8 ish, 250x10. I rated the 1st set as @6 but I think I definitely had more than 4 reps in the tank after the subsequent sets. Gonna need to practice nailing down RPE on the higher rep sets.

LISS: 25’ on incline treadmill
Lat Pulldown: 7’ AMRAP
Bicep Curl: 35x12-20x3 sets; each set taken to @8 (did not write down the exact reps)
Cable Tricep Extension: 73x12-20x3 sets; each set taken to @8 (did not write down the exact reps)
Plank: 7’ AMRAP

Safety bar squat, no belt: 295x4@7, 315x4@8, 330x4@9, 315x4. Not entirely sure how much the bar weighs so I just counted it as 45#. Pretty sore today and it was weird squatting with a bar that isn’t straight and in a low bar position.

TnG Bench Press: 205x5@6, 210x5@7.5, 220x5@10, 205x5. 210 Felt really good so I put 220 on the bar- definitely overshot. Going to be a little more conservative with the ‘accessory’ bench slots from here on out.

Seated Dumbbell overhead press (pause @ shoulders): 35x10@6ish, 40x10@8, 45x10@9, 40x10

Planning on a full rest day tomorrow with my last lifting session of the week Friday and last GPP session Saturday.

Rack pull, no belt: 455x4@7, 475x4@8, 490x4@9, 465x4
‘Board’ bench w/ 1 ct pause: 225x4@7, 230x4@8, 235x4@9, 225x4x2 sets
Lever Row: 60x10, 75x10, 82.5x10, 90x10, 80x10.

Using a foam yoga block for the board bench. Lever row weight is the weight on that barbell side, IE 60# was 165# total bar weight

LISS: 3.0 incline treadmill @3.5 mph for 25’
Lat Pulldown: 135x15x2 sets
EZ Bar Curl: 70x13, 65x15,14
Cable Tricep Push down: 77x20,20,15
Ab wheel: 66 reps in 7’

Week average body weight was 213.8, although I jumped up to 216 today.

Squat w/ belt: 435x1, 395x5, 350x5x4
1ct Pause Bench: 230x1, 215x4, 200x4x4
Press, no belt: 95x10, 110x10, 120x10, 105x10

Session time: 1:35

Overall felt pretty good.

Deadlift w/ Belt: 515x1, 465x5, 415x5x4
Floor Press: 185x5, 190x5, 200x5, 190x5
303 Back Squat: 245x10, 260x10, 270x10x2

Deadlift and 303 back squat felt great, floor presses were terrible

Session Length: 1:30
Session RPE: 6.5

30’ LISS (brisk walking outside this morning)
Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown: 120x18,15
DB Curl: 35x15,12; 30x17
LTE: 65x19,17
7’ Plank

SSB Squat: 300x4, 320x4, 340x4@9ish, 320x4x2 (both ~@8)
TnG Bench Press: 205x5, 215x5, 225x5@8-9(!!!), 210x5x2 (<8)
Seated DB Shoulder Press (pause @shoulders): 40x10, 45x10, 47.5x10@9, 40x10

Session Time: ~1:30 (forgot to check my timer)
Session RPE: 6

So I am REALLY hyped about how TnG bench press went today. My best ‘set’ with 225# ever was 7 reps (AMRAP) during undergrad when I was training for track and field while weighing about 30# more than I do now. When I did that AMRAP it was definitely a ‘thrower style’ bench ie bouncing the crap out of it and hips coming way off the bench.

I have never been very good at bench pressing and today I had 1-2 reps left in the tank while having solid technique, so I think that counts as a PR? :smile:

Mid Shin Block Pull: 465x4, 485x4, 495x4, 455x4x2 (was supposed to be 465, but my plate math was bad)
‘Board’ Bench w/ 1ct Pause: 205x4, 215x4, 225x4, 210x4x2 (used knee wraps around the bar as a ‘board’)
DB Row: 95x10, 105x10, 115x10x2

Session time: 95’
Session RPE: 6.5-7

Have a little low back fatigue, but the overall session went well

GPP Session
LISS: 25’ on treadmill, 4 degree incline/3.5 mph
CG Lat Pulldown: 130x20x2
DB Curlz: 35x15,13,12
V-bar tricep extension: 80x15x3
Ab Wheel: kneelingx15x4

Average weight this week was 215.8; going to hold calories the same for the next week.

Squat w/ Belt: 440x1, 400x5, 350x5x4
1ct Pause Bench: 240x1, 225x4 (@9-9.5), 200x4x5
Strict Press: 95x8, 110x8, 120x8, 110x8x2 (rests were short, running out of time)

Session time: 100’
Session RPE: 7

Squat single felt really good, then I felt like i couldn’t really get into a good position on the volume work. Oh well got it done.

Bench felt really good!

Training is going to be kind of funky this week. Going to have to train 3 days in a row and make Wednesday a ‘quicker’ session. Driving about 10 hours Wednesday afternoon and wont have access to a gym to train until Saturday

Main Lifts:
Deadlift w/ belt: 515x1, 465x5, 405x5x4
Floor Press: 175x6, 190x6, 195x6, 200x6, 185x6x2
303 Tempo Squat: 230x10, 260x10, 280x10, 270x10

GPP Stuff
DB Hammer Curl: 30x20,19,15 (super set w/ tricep pushdown)
Tricep Pushdown: 77x20,20,19
TRX Row: BWx20x3 (superset w/ ab wheel)
Ab Wheel: BWx20x3

Session Time: 125’
Session RPE: 7.5

Felt kind of ‘meh’ coming into this session. I take my podiatry part 1 boards tomorrow so real life stress is pretty high today lol.
I’m not sure if I will get a chance to train before hitting the road tomorrow. Going to try and find a gym open Thursday/Friday but if I don’t I am going to do a GPP type session Thursday and Saturday do block pull, board bench and SSB squat for my training session.