Hi , I’m a novice lifter and I’m hoping to reduce my body fat level by using a ketogenic diet and would appreciate your thoughts on this .
My current stats are weight 85.7 kg , approximately 28% body fat ( using navy scale ) and a 41 inch waist at the navel
Training wise I’m just getting back into things after a 3 month lay off and hoping to get back up to my previous lifts albeit they are not particularly good mainly due to not training consistently and poor nutrition .
Ive put the following macro goals into fitness pal which I think are correct for a keto diet .
Carbs 5% ( 24gr )
Protein 25% ( 118 gr ) I have been averaging 140 grammes over the last 7 days
Fats 70 % ( 147 gr )
I would have increased the protein amount but have read that if it’s too high it can convert to sugar and throw out the diet .
My daily calories are 1890 for fat loss with an estimated 2200 for maintenance and I’m aiming for a fat loss of .5 kg per week
So my questions are ; Is the keto diet any good to use while following a novice program ?
Are there any specific health concerns I should worry about while following a keto diet ? ( eating lots of fatty foods for some reason rings alarm bells for me tbh )
Do my macros calories etc seem ok for a keto diet ?
If keto doesn’t look like a good approach for me to to tackle my body fat level , what would you suggest instead?
Previously weight wise I’ve been as heavy as 102kg which was completely untrained and fat . I took this down to 73kg by doing completely the wrong thing , cardio and a massive cut in calories and I’ve now built back up to my current weight but have not paid enough attention to what I was eating and ended up with my current issues .
Any feed back you can give me would be a massive help , many thanks