lift like Tarzan look like Jane

This is a quick question, for fun. Background: I have been lifting weights for a long time. Seriously, like over 15 years very consistently. I have ok lifts at 215 bw 5’10" ht ie; squat 460, bench 420, dl 550, and press 245. I get asked continuously if I lift weights by everyone. I also have done some competing so when someone asks how I did a bystander at work or wherever else I am will express shock and say how I don’t look like I lift weights, much less that much! My question is, why don’t I look like I lift weights? This does not bother me necessarily as I have well defined goals and it’s not on my radar to focus on hypertrophy but was just curious. Care to pontificate?

Do you think you look like you lift?

What if the image in these people’s minds is Ronnie Coleman?

That is an interesting thought. I guess the lay public automatically thinks “bodybuilder” when they here that someone is involved in serious weight training. As for my opinion of myself, I think I look like I lift weights if my shirt is small enough ;). Maybe I’ll just switch to mesh medium, that should help.

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