Macros/calories for fat loss

Hey Jordan, been a long time lurker on the boards here. First post. Using the BBM training principles has helped me hit pr’s on all the lifts in the past year. Some background info:

27 year old male
6’ 215-220lbs
38” waist
18” neck
18-19% bodyfat Navy calc

Been consistently barbell training for roughly 5 years, mostly 5/3/1 and bro stuff before that. Come from an athletic background, good aerobic base. Haven’t followed any of the templates, do my own programming.

Best lifts:
squat: 500x1 @9
bench: 340x1@9
deadlift: 505x1@8
press: 215x1@9

Recently I’ve gained weight chasing the 500 squat amid the holiday season, was roughly 207 before thanksgiving. Been hitting pr’s on nearly every squat session but had to give up a hole on my lifting belt. Think it’s time to reign it in.

Nutrition on lifting days looks like:

2646 cals 208p/291c/61f

off days:

2055 cals 160p/197c/59f

i lift 4 days a week and do one hiit session on the assault bike. I also have a physical job (carpenter) although I recently started a new job that is less intense than what I was doing last year.

I would like like to get my waist down to the 35-36” range while at least retaining my strength.

How does my nutritional set up look to you? Any training/nutritional advice you can give me moving forward?

i appreciate all the content y’all put out amid the quackery in the fitness world.


Your calories and macros look a bit low to me and I wouldn’t alter things based on lifting or off days either. You could try doing the macros from your lifting days on ALL days, but off the top of my head this looks a bit more aggressive than I’d like.