Hey all,
I touched my first barbell in August of 2018. Since then I’ve been exclusively following BBM philosophies and programming.
Anyway, the Monday two weeks ago I felt a sharp pain in my lower spine at the very bottom of my 1@8 squat (week 6 of the Hypertrophy 2.0 template). I was able to finish the rep and, based on how I felt, proceeded to finish the workout. The 6@9 and subsequent 6@8’s all felt fine, although I did feel the sharp pain one other time, again at the bottom of the squat. There was a slight discomfort/tightness the entire time, but nothing bad enough to make me stop. I felt more “confident” in my back when I was focusing solely on the valsalva (vs other technique cues). Back was sore that night, took some NSAIDs for a few days, and resumed my weekly programming after a day off due to work reasons.
The following Monday (last week), I felt great. Squat weights went up on Day 1/Week 7. Deadlift weights went up on day 2. At the start of the 5th rep of my 3rd set of 6@8, I felt a pop in my lower spine in almost the same exact spot. Instant weight drop, no powering through. Lower back tightened up and I didn’t attempt to finish the set. I worked bench, but skipped the leg press. That night I experienced similar discomfort and stiffness to the previous week, but I took NSAIDs for an extra day or two. I performed lighter paused squats @225lb and regular DL @225lb the following day. I’ve decided to reduce squat/deadlift weights some to give my back time to recoup.
Now, on to the point of this post. I have no idea what I did to my back, what exactly caused it (poor valsalva leading to weak trunk in squat and DL??), and if I can expect it to happen again. My prescribed 6@8 DL weight when my back popped was 330lb, and I was evaluating those at 7.5’s. I was feeling good. I’m not currently experiencing any pain or discomfort, but there is some mental block with any DL greater than 300 lbs. I’m simply scared to pull it. This week I had to try 3 or more attempts before I could get the weight off the ground, and even when I do it is a grind to lock out. I felt like I was psyching up for a PR with each attempt. The first day (Tues), I could not move 315. The second day (Thurs) I was able to rep 330 once. I’m simply scared to pull. I feel like I’m somehow lucky the pop only resulted in mild pain/discomfort and that next time it could be way worse (e.g. slipped disc). How do you gain confidence in your body?