multi day fasting

I’ve looked and keep running into stuff about IF. Do you guys go into longer fasting anywhere? I’ve been fasting every three months for 5 days. My first fast was 6 days. My last fast was the first where I trained during the fast but sand bagged it a bit even though I felt strong on day 3 of the fast. I’m fasting for supposed longevity benefits and to lean up. The last fast was after my SS lp where I bulked.

It seems like a good way to quickly reduce my chub without having too big an impact on my training. Then again, not eating for 5 days sucks. I also hear that fasting causes the magic uroboros of autophagy to kick in and …?

Where is the value in fasting from your perspectives?

I don’t know if we’ve done a long form piece on time-restricted feeding outside of a past newsletter. I do not think the data supports any unique benefits from intermittent fasting and would not recommend it for any particular reason. It doesn’t improve longevity, body composition, or promote a healthy dietary pattern better than any other eating strategy.

Autophagy rates, which do not directly matter for health, are determined by energy balance, not eating schedule.

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I was talking about not eating for 5 or 6 days. I really wish IF would go away so It wasn’t so hard to talk about actual fasting. My blood sugar got below 60 during the last fast. Fasting also taught me it takes me 3 days to finish digesting walnuts.

I think the data on not eating for 5 or 6 days suggests even less benefit than typical TRF.

Should I take that answer to the bank…sounds like you don’t really know for sure?

Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but I’m happy to clarify.

While less confident in the finality of scientific evidence than the people promoting fasting as beneficial via made-up rationale, I am very confident that intermittent fasting does not improve health or performance. Fasting for days at a time is more likely to cause harm, if anything.