Multiple daily isos for tendon disorders?

Hello team,

I have been dealing with a patellar tendon problem for a long time.
I have now bought the Knee Rehab Template to give me a guideline on how to control the training and the load.

I have already seen various “approaches”, including performing isometric exercises 2-3 times a day for 5 x 30-60 seconds, such as the wall sit, which is supposed to reduce the pain.

This is not included in the above template, which makes sense to me, as I think the tendon needs to rest from time to time in order to adapt.
What are your experiences of doing Isos several times a day for this problem?
Makes this approach sense?

Many thanks for your help and work :pray:t2:


I think for people who otherwise aren’t exercising and/or who get symptomatic during the day, having these exercise snack breaks for isometrics (or other types of exercises) may be beneficial. Do I think it’s the superior strategy for all knee pain or pain in general? No, but it’s certainly an approach that can be useful in some settings.