I have some reasoning. Hear me out.
I have done the NLP, and ended on 205 for 3x5 on bench, 275 3x5 on squat, and 385 1x5 on deadlift. I am now 2 weeks into the Bridge.
I am 6’3" 205, 32 years old, and I have scoliosis. The curvature is in the thoracic spine mainly, and a little in the cervical. The degree, the last time I checked, is 21 degrees. Due to this curvature the muscles in my upper back are compressed towards my right shoulder. This muscle compression makes them “stick out” further on my right side, than my left. When I try and squat low bar, the barbell will not set parallel to the floor, it is raised 5 degrees or so on the right, and lowered the same on the left. Squatting high bar allows the barbell to set parallel to the floor.
I think that the unbalanced barbell causes me to shift in the bottom of the squat, causing pain in my patellar tendon, think being the key word here. I haven’t tried low bar with more than 225 lbs out of fear. This has scared me into not squatting low bar, and high bar has been my choice without any issues.
Should I try low bar with full intensity, or just keep committing this egregious act?