About a month ago, I had to switch gyms. At my old gym, I was deadlifting on a pretty flexible Eleiko weightlifting bar. It was super comfortable, I hit a 500lb pull at 30lbs lower body weight than the year before. Then when I switched, I had to move temporarily to a crappy globogym on a very crappy bar.
About 2 weeks after I made this switch, I started noticing sharp stabbing pain in my left hip / low back area around my SI joint. It’s usually terrible the day after deadlifting, but tends to lighten up enough by the next week that I can pull again and the pain starts over again. Yesterday I backed the weight off by about 10% for sets of 5. First two sets felt ok, last set hurt on the last rep. Today it’s painful to stand up straight.
The only changes that have occurred in my training have been switching from a whippy bar to a stiff bar, and i switched from pulling in chucks to pulling in nike metcons. Is it possible that the sudden but slight switch in pulling position aggravated my back? It just feels like my pull from the floor isn’t as comfortable as it was previously.
My current plan is to switch to rack pulls below the knee for a while and see if that makes the pain subside, then if that works, move back to the floor at lighter weights and gradually move back up.
Is there anything else I should be doing?