Not able to judge RPE when taking NSAID

I noticed that judging RPE when using NSAIDs is very difficult.
I took some Ibuprofen about an hour and a half before my last training and had a very hard time judging my RPE. I hit PR’s on squats and block pulls for sets of 4. But, certainly for the squats, the RPE for that PR set felt like an @5. I know it couldn’t have been a 5 since that would mean I made AAS kind off gains in a week time and I’m not playing that game for sure.

The set just felt like I could’ve gone on forever.
Is this something you would expect from an NSAID or did I just have an extraordinary day? (I did use a new belt and knee sleeves, but I don’t expect magic from those)

That’s definitely not what happens to me when I take Advil. :slight_smile: A PR at RPE 5? Sounds like an amazing training day.

It’s not?
Well, then it must have been an amazing training day. I finished the set of 4 and thought I still had at least a second set in me right there right then. :smile: It didn’t even feel hard.
I checked the plates twice afterwards.
Lets see what happens next week. :wink:

Are you sure it was Advil and not some sort of super power containing pill? I definitely can not relate to this :slight_smile: Congrats on the great session, though.

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