Not gaining enough muscle mass

I went from 82kg to 85kg in 3 months from January to April while eating 1g per lb of bodyweight of protein. I then ate very little for 2 weeks and came back down to 82kg in about 2 weeks somehow.
I’m not fatter than I was previously at 82kg! I also have noticed that my muscle mass has not increased at all than when I was previously at 82kg.

I’m going to run the 4 day 7 week hypertrophy template. Would you recommend I slowly bulk or cut? If I had to guess i’m at around 18% bodyfat. In good light I can see some abs. I want to gain some significant muscle mass and am willing to gain some fat but I don’t wanna get a belly…
Thanks :slight_smile:

I would only expect you to have gained 1.5-2kg of muscle in that time frame and it’s possible you lost a half of that during the rapid cut, plus losing water can make things appear differently.

I’m not sure what you were doing training wise or why you “ate very little” for 2 weeks, but without knowing anything else (height, waist, age) it’s hard to say what you should do.

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