Overload Lifts


I recently purchased strength 1 and it looks like a great option to run for my next strength template!

One question is about the overload variants - I don’t have bands or chains, nor slingshot, etc.

Would the following be sufficient or are there better other options on the overload slots given the above:

Deadlifts - block pulls from mid shin level
Bench press - floor press or a modified board press using some mechanism like a towel or whatever I can
Squat - Squat no belt is all I can think of but it’s not an overload exactly (no wraps either, wasn’t really considering getting at this time)

Squat overload is the one I am most interested in seeing ideas on. Thanks a lot!



The substitutions look fine to me and I wouldn’t worry about the squat overload. Just do squat w/o belt. If you had some knee wraps or squat briefs you could use those like you mention, but barring getting more equipment I wouldn’t worry about it.


Great, thanks a lot, appreciate it!

Are the overload lifts in this template programmed to be beltless or is it down to choice?

Hi. Ill be using knee wraps for my overload squats and probably bands or blocks for the overload deadlift. Are the overload lifts on this template programmed to be beltless or is it down to choice?