peaking query

Hi folks,

Age 45, Male, BF28%, weight 200lbs… long time exerciser with weights, but seldom systematic. Actual, completed maxes: S150kg, B115kg,D190kg.

I have progressed through a linear progression (starting Strength Sept - December 2019) and since then have done a mix of intermediate type things.
This even included a short burst with Smolov Jnr for Bench and squat. Don’t roll your eyes like that, I know!!

For 7 weeks I have been on 3x8reps at around 70% with squatx3pw, bench x3pw and deadlift 1-2pw… but feel a little stale. I don’t do any accessory stuff at all.
My RPEs feel stuck or worsening with the same load.
I am in a deficit of 500cals per day but still getting 200g protein. I eat 2250-2500cals depending on my NEAT at work. I never feel weak or hungry per se. Have lost 5lbs over last month.

My squat 5RM is 140kg, which I am pleased with - especially given my 1RM this time last year was 100kg. But while 140kg 5RM predicts a 1RM of around 162kg, I can’t handle anything over 150kg. I think my actual ability to operationalise my newly gained muscle tissue from 9months of solid training is actually quite poor. This seems to be the case across lifts. My bench 5RM of 107.5 predicts a 125kg e1RM, but I am way off it and can’t budge anything over 115.

So I have been thinking that while I don’t intend to compete in some local rookie meets until well into 2021 I might undertake a peaking template to see if I can’t develop more by way of neural capacity?
I’m hoping this exposure to loads >85% will help me sharpen up. After, say 6-8 weeks I could move back into a more regular hypertrophic/strength program for powerlifting. Is this kind of periodisation sensible?

I am quite relishing the idea of a lower volume, higher intensity program psychologically but would value any brief reflections you might have on the logic of doing this with no competition per se. To my mind it may help sharpen up my fibre recruitment and allow some re-sensitisation to volume when I go back to it…but this could all be bro-science talking…


I would agree that in general, the skills and specific adaptations to performing heavy 1RM attempts are unlikely to be stimulated without specific training. I’d probably do the “slow peaking template”, which is available for free here


Sounds good, thanks man!