Permission to drink DDP

Hey Doc,

As of late, I’ve been crushing more diet dr. peppers then bill gates does on diet cokes.

considering that you are also a Doctor, what is your opinion on this delicious beverage made by your colleague, Dr. Pepper?

Specifically, what are the known detrimental effects of diet soda? tooth decay, decreased palate sensitivity, etc?

are 3-4 diet sodas a day a bad habit? I’m obviously fishing
for permission to be a fat ass!

I like Diet Dr. Pepper when I’m sick of rootbeer or cream soda.

As far as the known detrimental effects of diet soda, there really aren’t any outside of its potential impact on dietary patterns. That is pretty individualized, however.

No real impact on tooth enamel either?

have you tried DP10 yet? It’s amazing. Diet barqs is also delightful.

Nope. The dental caries thing is more complicated than that.

I haven’t tried DP10 yet, but you’re right- Diet Barqs is fantastic.

Dudes, Yes! Diet Barqs is the best! It has bite, only root beer with some caffeine kick.

But, add one to the diet soda crew. Just one with 2nd lunch for me though. Diet Dew is my usual, mostly because it’s free at work and I’m too cheap to buy my own root beer.

this should be pinned