Phase 2 Beginner Template 3* Squat Replacement


I’m having issues with the 3* movements prescribed.

Lunges and split squats give me acutely painful stretches in my quads that leave me sore for a couple of days in a way that doesn’t feel like DOMS. I train in a basement gym and have limited access to equipment other than a rack, barbell, and bumper plates. I’ve been doing step ups on my stairs with bumper 35s in my hands, but I’m having a hard time with loading and hitting RPE 9 with 35s in the 10 rep range, and the size of the plates make it difficult to move up in weight beyond that.

Can I substitute the 3* movement for something like pin/box/front squats? I’m open to other solutions as well. Money is a bit tight, although in the future I would consider getting a loading pin and a belt for belt squats.

Thank you in advance.


I think it’s worthwhile to do some unilateral training at this point in your development. Can you snag a video of you doing split squats so I can take a peek? Do them with a 2-0-2 tempo just to see how those look. I’ll weigh-in after that.


I apologize for the late response. I did some fiddling around with my form, and i elevated my back foot a bit more, and that seems to have alleviated the quad pain. I also humbled myself and adjuated the load. I appreciate your input, doc.