
Three weeks ago I was diagnosed by my doctor with prostatitis and put on ciprofloxacin a day until symptoms go away. Symptoms are very slowly getting better. Training has actually been going pretty well. Right now my biggest issue is getting enough sleep do to discomfort laying down. I’m also having discomfort standing and walking for extended periods.

Besides antibiotics to deal with the infection do you have any recommendations to alleviate symptoms? I have tried ibuprofen but haven’t noticed a big difference.

Thank you for any help,

Sorry to hear about this frustrating issue.

Aside from routine analgesics like NSAIDs, tylenol, topical approaches (e.g. cold packs to the area), I don’t have other suggestions besides time for the antibiotic therapy to work. You may be able to try higher doses of NSAIDs on a short-term basis, although there can be risks to this depending on the individual and the duration of therapy. I would not recommend other medications like opioids for this.

Thank you for getting bak to me. I sincerely appreciate it.