Recent article listed in FB Weekly readings

I would be interested about your take on one of the recent studies mentioned in the FB Weekly readings:Training for strength and hypertrophy: an evidence-based approach - ScienceDirect

The paper’s conclusion includes this statement:

Accordingly, to optimize RET-induced increases in 1RM, the evidence-based recommendations are to perform the specific test (e.g., a 1RM) with or near maximal loads (>85 %1RM).

It’s not clear to me from the paper if the authors are recommending the use of near maximal loads on a regular basis as the best way to improve one’s 1RM.

I’m not clear on what your question is here.

In order to improve 1RM performance, you need exposure to intensities that are relatively specific to the test. Hence our frequent use of heavy singles, for example.

Thanks for replying. I guess I was wondering if the article was recommending a high-intensity/lower volume approach as the best way to maximize !RM performance. Their conclusions weren’t clear to me.