Return to sport after client had TIA

Hello! My client is a 60 y/o male with high cholesterol and no other health concerns until recently. He had a TIA Feb. 24, which he tells me was confirmed via MRI. He also tells me further testing indicated no heart issues, just high cholesterol. He has a follow up with his PCP May 22nd (supposed to be April but his doc had a family emergency). I’ve given him the ePARmed-X+ form for his physician to complete. Is there anything else I need to do in the interest of liability?

Just for general clarification: TIAs, by definition, do not show anything on a brain MRI (i.e., it will be normal). That is what differentiates a TIA from a stroke (which will have confirmatory MRI evidence).

Using that form should be sufficient from your standpoint as a trainer.

Thank you, Dr. Baraki! The clarification is helpful. He did say “stroke” was confirmed via MRI. I remembered incorrectly.

P.S. I’m Sam Calhoun’s client @pull_sumo.taste_the_rainbow on IG. We attended your VA Beach seminar when I was just thinking about being a coach, and here we are! Thank you for everything.

Oh, hey Amy! Glad to help and hope you’re doing well!