RPE set adjustment


I am starting on the endurance template and it is my first foray into RPE. So far so good but one quick question: is it OK (or advised) to adjust the weight intra-set?

For example lets say I am on OHP, working set of 5@ RPE 8x3.
First set of 5 feels like an 8 but the second set feels like a 9. Is it advisable to go ahead and lower the weight for the final set to preserve RPE 8 ?

Inversely if my working sets are feeling lighter as I go should I up the weight to preserve the prescribed RPE?

I have found this to be true mainly during OHP, sometimes they feel easier as I go and other times they feel harder. I have been adjusting the weight to keep the RPE inline but wanted to see what you all recommend.

Yep- both instances are fine. I would draw the line at changing the weight on 0.5 RPE increments though. I’d just ignore those types of changes during a set.

Let us know what you think of the Endurance Template!

I am liking them so far!

​One more quick question: on the template there is an asterisk after some rep ranges i.e. 8 @ 6, 8 @ 7, 8 @ 8 x 3 sets*

I’ve searched and cannot figure it out…

That’s supposed to represent the idea of doing sets @ 8 at the same weights “across”.

Thank you for the quick responses Jordan, have a great week!