SHBG and DHT pathway

I just had labs done and my total testosterone was in the middle range, but free was on the low end of normal because my SHBG is off the charts. Mine was 131 and reference range is 10-57. I have read differing opinions of whether this matters too much, but that is super high. I do have less libido and worse body comp than a year or so ago when my numbers were better.

Any strategies for reducing SHBG?

Also, is there any validity behind testing hormones with urine. I had DUTCH test performed (not sure if you are familiar) and it showed that most of my testosterone is going down the less androgenic pathway. If there is validity to this, any strategies for pushing more of my testosterone down the more androgenic pathway (5alpha as opposed to 5beta)?

I am in my early 30’s if this is relevant/helpful. Thanks!

What is your height, weight, waist measurement, and neck circumference?

6’2, 160lbs, 31inches around belly button, and ~15inch neck.

6’2, 160lbs, 30.5 inch waist, and ~15-16inch neck.

You should get some further evaluation to figure out why the SHBG is so high, rather than jumping to ways to suppress it. Probably need to find an endocrinologist who is well versed in this stuff.

My labwork also shows high SHBG, my endo said it’s because I was subclinically hyperthyroid (TSH was 0.12) so he reduced my thyroid med dosages.

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