On March 1, I had surgery to repair my shoulder from a superior and anterior labrum tear with hill-sachs deformity. There was a note in the report of Bankart lesion of left shoulder.
I did the PT as prescribed. Once, I was doing pushups, I had started getting back under a barbell. Everything has been going great after surgery. It is still hard to get into a low bar squat position. It cause some pain in my tricep. I have been working on strengthening those muscles and have not been doing squats.
I was talking with someone I know through work who is a surgeon about my surgery and training. He was adamant that training with a straight bar would cause me to tear up my shoulder again. He said that dumbbells were the way to go. He doesn’t lift so I am not inclined to take his advice simply cause he is a surgeon.
I guess I am looking for reassurance from you fine folks that it is indeed safe to continue to train with barbells.
Also, any advice on getting back into squatting?
Thank you in advance.
We would not agree that barbells will “tear up your shoulder” as compared to dumbbells.
As for advice on squatting - there’s no need to force yourself into a low bar position right now. High bar squats or SSB squats are fine in the post-op period.
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As always, thank you for the great advice.
Quick follow up. How long should I consider myself post op before working on getting back into a low bar position? Or before pushing for progression in my other lifts?
You had the surgery on March 1st? So you’re 3 months out from surgery?
Assuming you’ve been cleared by your surgeon and PT at this point, go for it.