I am a 188cm tall guy and I used to have a garbage setup with my shins bend way too much and my shoulders too far over the bar. I did this to mimic the back angles I saw on the youtubes.
After starting to set up properly (like Alan Thrall describes it in his videos) I noticed that my shoulders and hips are completely level (or the shoulders might be 1 cm higher, max). This leads to a very uncomfortable feeling in my lower back when I initiated the pull. It always feels like it wants to curl forward. I also got hurt twice with paused deadlifts now. This is why i seek advice.
I tried to lower my hips and letting my shins come forward a bit more, but this leads to my lower back rounding significantly.
What do I do? Should I pull sumo?
Also, my deadlift is the only lift that is kinda stuck and is basically not progressing at all.
Looking forward to your answer. If neccessary, I can provide some video footage, too.