Hello everyone.
Before approximately two months, I had a low back “injury” ( I don’t know how else to call it ) in the gym while overhead barbell pressing. I overextended a bit too much and I felt a sudden pinch in my lower back.
- At this point I need to mention that it was the first time doing this exercise after 3 months cause of some knee problems ( I stopped going to the gym ). I had spent the first two weeks doing only bench presses, deadlifts and squats to get my body slowly come back to it’s strength peak ( didn’t have any issues with those three exercises ). -
So, after some days of not lifting at all, I decided to suck it up and go to the gym. In squats, parallel only ( not ass to grass ), I didn’t had any discomfort. The problem showed up when i tried deadlifts with a lot of weight. It was like a pinch sensation at the start of every rep. The next day was very painful, like the first days after the injury.
The pain, back then, was all over my lower back.
Today, the pain is placed in my lower back at the right side ( opposite side of heart ). I stopped going to the gym cause of studying and cause of fear of making it worse.
At first i thought that it might be a bulging disc, but after searching about the painful area I learned about SI Joint. I feel pain when i overextend to the side of the pain, right where SI Joint is.
This, combined with the deadlift pain, made me think that the discomfort is present when there’s pelvic movement, but I may be wrong.
I don’t know what to do, it has driven me crazy.
I’d be glad If I don’t need to go to physio again…
Any help will be very much appreciated.