Hi Jordan and Austin - forgive me if this topic has already been discussed - couldn’t find it specifcally through searching. I understand from the Bridge ebook, programming podcast series, and through classes I’ve taken at RTS why exercise variation in general is an important component in programming, but…
I wanted to get your POV on when and why you add specific squat variations to the various program templates – what exactly are the practical applications of pin squat vs 2ct paused squat vs SSB squat vs tempo squat? What value does each of the squat variations found in your programs have, and what outcomes are you specifically trying to achieve when selecting a variation, rep/RPE scheme for a given program?
Thanks for all of the great content and work you do!
Thanks for the post and for being here
I need you to clarify your question(s) a bit more here. What do you mean when you say “practical applications” and “value” in your post above?
And the second question about outcomes depends on the exact program. It sounds like you may want us to explain how we program in a step by step manner, which I don’t think we can really answer in a forum post. We did do a bunch of podcasts and various articles on this site over the years, which you may enjoy reading.
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Fair point re: explaining how you program in a step-by-step manner and as I rethink this question, I can understand how different variations at different reps and RPEs have different effects, all within the context of desired programming outcomes - and I agree that its a bit much/unreasonable/inappropriate of me to ask you to explain all of this in a forum post
What I was seeking was more of a general discussion and your point of view on squat variation exercise selection - ie, why you select 2ct paused squats vs pin squats or SSB squats - what outcomes (generally) are you trying to achieve when you select 2ct paused squat vs pin squat, for example - but I totally understand if that veers into too much nuancetm and isn’t appropriate for the forum.
Most of all, thanks for the fantastic high quality content you and the team publish - I’ve been following your content on IG for 2 years, have listened to most of the podcasts, have read/skimmed most of the posts in this training forum, own most of the templates, and have a learned a ton from all of it… and am always hungry for more.
Thanks. IM.
As far as the 2ct paused squat vs pin squat, let’s consider the similarities:
- Similar ROM, bar position, mechanics, lack of stretch reflex, eccentric tempo, etc.
2ct paused squat places an emphasis on isometric contraction at the bottom of the squat whereas pin squat places emphasis on concentric contraction from a dead stop.
That would be one reason for programming consideration.
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Thanks Jordan! Btw… The training VLOGs are fantastic - thanks for putting those out there.