Hi coaches!
I’ve just finished the 12 week template. In testing in week 13 my squat has improved 180kg - 185 and deadlift 217.5kg - 227.5kg. For the deadlift I’ve hit the projected 1rm from weeks 10-12, however for squat my projected 1rm in weeks 10-11 was 188kg, and I’ve only hit 185kg in test week, although hit reps PRs in weeks 10-11.
Peaking block squat program is more intense than the deadlift, RPE9 sets as opposed to percentage loads ( which felt about RPE 8)
Am I safe to assume the result is due to me responding better to rpe8 volume work in peaking block and would you recommend to just repeat 12 week program, but train squats as per deadlift prescription in the last 4 weeks?