What are the most effective methods of increasing squat depth? I started to video my squats and noticed I’m either right at legal depth or slightly above. It feels like butt to lawn, but the video doesn’t lie. I have some ideas but would prefer guidance to trial and error.
Now that you’re aware, see if volitionally going lower allows you to go lower. That would be the first step.
That was the first thing that came to mind and I tried. Now it is always in the back of my mind and I self cue “lower.” Subsequent videos show minimal improvement.
I’ve a meet September 7th. After the meet my thought is to do a combination of hip stretching with box squats and pin squats. Does this sound reasonable or has your coaching experience proved other methods more effective?
Can you post a video of your squat? This would be very helpful.
I would not recommend using box squats or pin squats to improve depth for your regular squat given the meet coming up, as neither of these address the problem of “feeling” the correct depth without an external cue. Additionally, both change the mechanics more than I’d like to address a technique issue with the squat. If anything, I’d prefer a paused squat.
These aren’t bad However, I don’t think any of these would pass in competition.
I’m curious to see what happens if you widen your stance by 1/8", push your knees further forward and out during the descent and take the weight down to 225 for your first triple, then go up in 20lb increments. Take a video from the front 45* next time.