I like to listen to a lot of people on training. I stick to the BBM templates but listen to other ideas. I was watching Matt Wenning on his “warmups”. Essentially it is pick 2 things you are probably weak on and do 4X25 on each and a light version on the main lift for 4X25. I have only tried this a couple of times but he argues it helps keep you from overshoot RPE on your main lift and strengthen weak areas. So I have tried a RPE 6 or less of say the prescribed arm work at 20 reps, then lat pull as prescribed at 3X20, then a dumbell bench or press movement for 4X20. Then go into the upper body day. So essentially I did my accessories or maybe 3rd movement first. I haven’t tried it on lower body because I am not sure about starting with something like Romanian deadlifts before DL or belt squat before squat but I might try. Sample is too small but I did feel like I judged my RPE better when I had more “warmup” although I consider it part of the work out. It also helps not skip the below the 4 day line stuff since I do it first and feel like I have to do my prescribed stuff for the day.
Just wondering what are your thoughts on this. Is it beneficial or possibly not optimal for the prescribed lifts in say PB2 or PB3 which I have been running. If the RPE is low enough it didn’t seem to affect me but I could see if you overshoot RPE in the “warmup” it could really affect the main lifts for the day.