
What are your thoughts on the use of Statins and testosterone levels? I was diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and my Doc wants to put me on simvastatin. I am torn between not dying of a heart attack in my 50’s (I’m 28) and the possibility of having the Testosterone levels of an 85 yr old woman. Will my gainzZz be adversely affected if I go on a 20mg dose?

Based on my reading of the literature, the effect (which likely depends on the intensity of statin therapy - i.e., which particular medication and its specific dose), may be statistically significant, but is clinically insignificant. Several of the numbers I’ve seen put out for the change in total testosterone fall within the standard error of the lab measurement, as well as the natural daily variation of serum levels. Additionally, IIRC, the effect is limited to total - but not free - testosterone. If anyone else has seen more compelling data on the matter, please share, as it’s an interesting topic.

The other question, of course, is what did your lipid panel actually look like, and are you at sufficiently high risk to merit treatment with a statin at age 28?