
What do you see the role of SteadyMD as being? In other words, for people who sign up, are you trying to be a complete replacement for their primary care doctor? If so, how do you deal with the limitation that you’re unable to do a physical exam over the phone/skype?

The majority of standard primary care does not require hands-on physical examination. We perform all the primary care we can, and if something comes up that we feel really requires physical examination to diagnose, we refer appropriately.

If I may add on here as a Steadymd client, I have been working with one of the docs for several months now. I had some medical issues and they truly weren’t being managed well and appropriately. My steadymd doc encouraged me and helped refer me to see specialists to diagnose and suggest treatment. My steadymd doc helped and continues to help me navigate and merge/mesh all the info. I truly am better thanks to this modality and support/care of steadymd.

Being able to send a text to your doc is awesome. And I will add, the few specialists we’re all intrigued and thought steadymd to be a great concept and we’re encouraging as to the attention to need/details along with continuity of care I am able to have. I highly recommend!

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