Strength I programming question

Hello Austin/Jordan,

I just finished the first part of Strength 1 and I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made. Since I don’t have any plans of peaking in the near future I have decided to forgo the latter half of the program and just repeat the dev block.

On that note, I was thinking of changing the rep range for the deadlift (to 4’s) while maintaining the same prescribed RPE (mainly because i’ve done the prescribed rep range many times in the past prior to purchasing BBM templates and I kind of want to try a different rep range).

Is this a reasonable thing to do? Or would I need to lower the RPE targets by 1 to hit the same (relative) intensity?

These are things that are certainly worth experimenting with to see how you respond. I don’t think we would make any confident predictions about whether adjusting the RPE target would result in better or worse outcomes for a given individual – something you’ll have to find out for yourself.

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Cool, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!