Sunlight and skin health

Hi Drs … I would appreciate if you would entertain a question on this topic and hopefully I’m not covering already covered territory.

I’d like the “BBM treatment” on this topic of being exposed to sunlight and skin health. Specifically, I’m sensing perhaps an over-rotation by the common health posture today, whereas —> all sun exposure is bad and immediately damaging to your skin. That’s my take in reading industry sources and searching online for thoughts around this topic.

I get the distinct message that all exposure to the sun is bad, will damage your skin immediately and the more you absorb, the worse it is. Sunscreen needs to be used at all time, even indoors due to “reflected/refracted” or otherwise rays that will hit your skin, and all of that significantly increases your chances for developing various forms of skin cancer. Also, there is no “healthy tanning” as that is also damage to your skin and unhealthful and should be avoided. You should always have a minimum of SPF30, regardless for how long you are exposed to sunlight.

I realize that skin health and cancers are serious topics and they’ve been ignored or misunderstood, historically. But, what are your views on this and is what I’m receiving as far as messaging currently — extreme and overly fearful, or do you also hold the same views on the topic?

I know it’s not strength training and how our bodies are resilient and can deal with the natural environment, but it all sound so fearful and negative that I’d like your views.

Thank you,

Unfortunately I can’t say that I’ve personally done a sufficient deep dive in this area of literature to provide you with a confident answer, sorry. Perhaps others may be more educated on the details of this research and can chime in.

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I had a fairly extensive reply to this with a good deal of references but it seems to have disappeared?

I’m not sure what happened - the forum leaves us a placeholder on the backend when there’s a deleted post, and I don’t see anything here.

I deleted it because there was a lot of misinformation (without supporting scientific evidence) that would’ve taken a significant amount of time to respond to. I didn’t really want to spend the time doing that.