
TL/DR; in ‘Strength is Specific’, tendon stiffening is noted as an adaption caused by strength training. I assume this means strength training causes INCREASED remodeling of tendons. I assume it’s more pronounced in a rank novice.
Question; would it be likely for someone experiencing tendonitis issues to rehab from that just by adding strength training routinely or would it be more likely to get worse?

My wife is a 35 y/o hair stylist. Has dealt with some tendonitis issues for the first time this year in 15 years in her profession.

2-3 months of dequervains symptoms, steroid injection and thumb spica relieved symptoms. Now several months later, having returning symptoms slightly new location same wrist.


Sorry to hear about the issue you wife is dealing with. The majority of tendinopathy research is currently demonstrating managing loading is a key factor. Most research is advocating for introducing loading to the area via Heavy Slow Resistance (HSR) at tempo (3 seconds eccentric, 0 pause, and 3 seconds concentric). For the hand, anecdotally, I often introduce Captain of Crush work (grip work), farmer’s carries, etc. The scenario you outlined above unfortunately tends to be the norm and may result in decreased symptoms because the person is no longer utilizing the area, but then once activity is introduced again, often symptoms resurface. Rest should rarely be recommended in these situations but rather managing loading (activities of daily living at work and with exercise).

We did a podcast a while back on tendinopathy you may find relevant: http://www.clinicalathlete.com/clinical-athlete-podcast/2017/8/30/episode-3-came-for-the-tendinopathy-but-stayed-for-the-donuts.