TM and SRA cycle clarification

Hey guys, yet another TM question. I just wanted to check my understanding. I think that you guys have stated that a problem with texas method is that it does not apply more stress than the LP and so cannot stimulate further adaptation. So just to check my understanding: The length of SRA is 48 hours for LP and 1 week for TM. The LP applies 3 sets of squats per SRA cycle and the TM applies 8 or 9 sets of squats per SRA cycle (5 on volume day, 2-3 on light day, 1 on intensity day). So the TM DOES offer more stress per SRA cycle but not more per unit time? Since both apply 9 sets of squats per week? And therein lies the issue? And assuming that’s correct does that mean that all the guys saying stuff like ‘TM will run you into the ground unless you’re a 1200 ng/dl test 23 year old male that binge eats and sleeps all the time blah blah’ are actually wrong and the real reason is it’s not stressful ENOUGH?

Stay tuned for the next podcast :slight_smile:

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Will do, thanks!