Hi there!
Thanks as always for taking some time to address my questions. Appreciate it very much! On with it:
I have been strength training for the past year and a half. I’m 6’5" and weigh 268lb with a waist circumference of around 42". I’m trying to eat at a calorie restriction and figured the To Be a Beast article would be a good spot to look. That article suggests for fat loss that 1.25 g/lb of body weight is appropriate, which puts me at 335g. This is a lot, and I haven’t hit it even once haha. I recently came across the Black Friday newsletter where it said that obese folks should use their lean body mass to do the calculation for protein intake. I plugged my weight and height into a few calculators and they came out with ~180lb or 82.5kg. I have two main questions after this:
- Would it be appropriate to use that number to calculate my protein intake? These sites also estimated my body fat at 31%, but I’ve used a scanner that said I was way less than that. So maybe 180lb of lean body mass is too low.
- Where should those calories go now that they aren’t coming from protein? Carbs or fat? Does it matter?
Using 82.5kg gives me 132-255g of protein (from 1.6 to 3.1 g/kg). 132 definitely seems too low.
Sorry, this has gone on too long, but once again I do appreciate any insights you have for me.