Training/Cardio questions

Hello guys

  1. Ive been skipping hiit because of my gym equipment we have bikes/rower/treadmill/elliptical but the resistance on rower/bike specifically is not enough to go max effort RPE 10 for 20sec as prescribed in templates (PB 1) maybe if i increase the duration of interval to 40sec I might be close but still another option was to do burpee variations but still id have to increase the duration to 30-40sec to get it to be max effort. Also correct me if im wrong but by the end of the interval i should be out of breath and if that’s the case what’s the different between hiit and siit training?

  2. For moderate intensity cardio i do incline walk at 20% for 60 mins 2x/wk and using the talk test i can speak a sentence or 2 before needing to breathe so that would be about rpe 6?

  3. Pendlay row in PB1 block 2 should the bar speed slow down significantly by the end of the set since it’s a power movement (correct me on that pls) ? Also about form is a little bit of momentum acceptable during heavier weights as long as it doesn’t turn into an upright row? Most people preach 0 momentum but then again never seen them lift heavy weights in pendlay row.



  1. You can do flying starts to get to max pace and try to hold it for the 20 seconds. These are sprint intervals, which are a category of HIIT.

  2. I would probably rely on a heart rate vs. the talk test here. What % of your max HR are you at? If 65-75%, it’s probably good.

  3. Bar speed will typically slow down on all exercises as RPE climbs. I think your torso angle should be held relatively much static for a strict pendlay row, but I don’t know that I can quantify the movement for you, unfortunately.

Hey Jordan thanks for the answers. So burpees for 30sec intervals for hiit are out of the question? Any suggestions of other form of hiit with no equipment that you tried before?

I did my cardio today moderate intensity i didn’t use any hr monitor i used the treadmill’s monitor where you put your palms on dont know how accurate is that but my highest was 115bpm (65% of my hr is about 125bpm) but anw i can definitely maintain this intensity for 2 hours if pressed so i guess that would make it about rpe 6?

I do not think burpees are a great choice for improving conditioning. You can do what you like, but I do not program them unless it’s the only thing someone will do.

I would put the RPE ~ 3-4 if that’s a 2 hour pace. Likely zone 2 using the 5-zone model.