Hey. Have been an ardent supporter of your templates and have such just picked up the Low Fatigue Strength template to give it a go. I’ve read the accompanying PDF and have a question about troubleshooting my programming.
I’ve noticed (after going back through 3 years of training logs) that I can normally increase my weight on the bar while ramping up the volume as the template progresses. Normally I find that once I’m into my second week of maximum programmed volume I see the weight on the bar stall and usually stagnate and sometime regress in order to maintain the prescribed RPE.
- This seems to happen more severely on the higher intensity templates.
- Session RPE is fine without seeing a marked increase overall
With reference to the troubleshooting guide:
Would you see this as a Too Much Fatigue situation and back off the volume by one set until things stabilized and go back up from there?
Would you implement a time cap to complete prescribed sets?
Appreciate any insight. Thanks.