Waist Circumference

Jordan, I have a question about total waist circumference…

25 Years Old
6 foot 3 inches
Current Macros: 425-C 100-F 220-P
Gained approximately 2.5lbs in the last month

I am damn near the end of my linear progression with my lifts at:

Squat - 305lbs for 3 set of 5
Press - 139lbs for 3 set of 5
Deadlift - 365lbs for 1 set of 5
Bench - 225lbs for 1 set of 5

My question is about waist circumference. I currently have a 37.5inch waist (measuring around the umbilicus) and appear around about 15%-20% body fat with the vast majority concentrated around my hips. i.e. when I wear compression shorts, my fat rolls over the waistband a good amount. 7 months ago (before my linear progression) I was about 190lbs and could not squat 95lbs. I have obviously grown quite a bit but I don’t know if I should continue to gain weight? I was wearing 32" waist pants before my LP and now I am wearing 36" waist pants and I feel like I may have to move to 38" waist pants now.

Honestly, my goals are the gain muscle size and get moderately lean (about 12%) and would like to have respectable strength but I have no interest in competing in power-lifting. I am getting a little hesitant about my stomach protruding since the summer is coming up but I don’t want to sabotage my long term goals. I would appreciate any advice that you might have and thank you so much for your knowledge and help!!!

I would maintain your weight here for the end for another 6-8 weeks and then I’d cut slightly if still not at your body comp goal.

Thanks Jordan! I really want to thank you for everything that you do. Your advice and knowledge is truly the best thing I’ve encountered in my life regarding training. I have been lifting since I was 18 doing mostly bodybuilding b.s. with no results. I have gotten more results within the last 6 months than the previous 6 years. Thank you so much and keep up the great work!

Thanks, Eric.

I must just be a very oddly designed individual. Waist at belly button measures 39 inches. I’m 5’10" and 185 pounds. But 32 inch waisted jeans fit loosely on me.

Do you have a significant amount of abdominal fat?

I don’t think you’re out of the ordinary. I’m 178cm (5’10") weighing 82kg (180lb) with a 93cm (36.6") waist and can fit comfortably into size 32 pants. My fat tends to concentrate itself around my abdominal area instead of my hips and thighs.

Yea it’s not that it is odd per se’, but rather that it a type of body fat distribution that would be managed differently.

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Yes, lots of abdominal fat and freakishly huge love handles. It’s frustrating because I still am quite skinny looking with a fat midsection despite being well trained (500+ deadlift, 400+ squat etc). I know, Boo hoo, cry cry cry right? What do you mean by manage differently though?

Differently how? All my fat goes to my abdomen. I know apple shape = bad, but how would it be managed differently?

I would typically prescribe more volume, a bit more conditioning, and attempt to decrease body fat earlier in a person like this.

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“decrease body fat earlier in a person like this” - can you clarify?

Me three. 5’9" 220 ish. Waist is 41" and yes I know it’s time to lose some weight. It is frustrating though. Virtually all of my subcutaneous fat is between my hip bones and rib cage. A few years ago I lost 44 lbs in three months to win a bet. Tracked every bite and did an hour plus of cardio everyday. Got all the way down to 166. It was the first time in my life I didn’t have a noticeable paunch, but still no abzZz. The base gym has a Bodpod and it measured me at 10% bf. Not sure how accurate those things are but I definitely didn’t look like what the internet said was 10% bf. It was the only time in my life when I felt “skinny” but it was also the only time I’ve ever felt weak. I kept getting knocked on my ass playing basketball and as a bonus I’d get really dizzy if I stood up too quickly. I like stronger better, just need to my waist back down before October and my AF PT test but I’ve been putting it off because tracking and cutting suck.

Change diet and training to produce weight loss sooner rather than later.