weird question about sets of multiple reps

Random question but maybe someone can help. So my 1 rep max deadlift is 110 kg, and i know for sure cause ive lifted it. But when it comes to doing a set of more reps (for exemple, a set of 5), i can barely do a set of 5 with 75-80% of that. BARELY (i mean any set of 5 with 75-80% of 1RM is RPE 10) . And i know that my 5rep max should be around 86% of my 1 rep max. So that doesnt make any sense at all… Any ideas of why that might be?
If it matters, i am 17 years old, male.

How long ago did you pull the 1RM?

Have you had your technique checked?

The PR was about 3 months ago. Haven’t had my form checked but imo its decent (im using the simple 5 step deadlift from alan thrall). Do you think i could have de-trained?
I am ashamed but i should mention that i ran 5/3/1, even tho i knew its not optimal, i liked the idea… But maybe the very low volume on the main lifts fucked me up (but i thought you can still deadlift with very low volume, a lot of ppl do it, right?)
I should also mention that i am more or less always sleepy, even when working out, because i am sleeping around 5 hours/night

Ok so i replied earlier but it doesnt show. Im new here so if i reply 2 times sorry!

From what i can recall, in my first (maybe failed) reply i told you that i pulled the 1RM around 3 months ago. I dont think my form is the issue, i am using the 5 steps deadlift from Alan Thrall, and in my opinion my form is pretty good (of course i might always be wrong, who knows).

I am a bit ashamed but i should mention that i run 5/3/1 because i liked the idea, and i thought “well it might not be optimal but it cant be that bad!”. But i think ive literally made 0 progress or even de-trained in these 3 months. You think the lack of volume could be the reason of my problem?

I should also mention that even though my nutrition is decent (not good, decent), my sleep is terrible. I sleep 3 to 5:30 hours per night, and im always tired. But i thought it cant be a problem, since i was tired when i pulled 110kg aswell.

Thank you for any answer you might give

Yes, if the 1RM is 3 months old, then you’ve probably detrained. Your sleep situation obviously isn’t helping the situation, either.

Alright, thanks for your answer! Earlier this week i jumped on The Bridge, and i slept 6:30 hours/night, and im feeling a lot less tired, and i hope to make some progress now (after i get used to RPE, ofcourse). After The Bridge, i will probably buy the 12 week strength template and Hypertrophy Template and rotate them. I am tho more interested in strength so what would you recommend for the rotation of the templates?
I was thinking:



strength>the bridge>hypertrophy>strength>the bridge>hypertrophy…

Are any of these good or do you have a better idea?

Thanks a lot in advance.

The former.

There’s also another post somewhere around here where I provided a suggested progression. I don’t have time to find it, but if someone else can dig that up and put it here, that’d be grrrrreat.

I think this is the post you are referring to.

Maybe this one?

Oh! I found it. Welp, thanks a lot (again) Austin. You and Jordan are the best :slight_smile:

Clipped from https: //

Here are a few sample layouts provided in the introductory tab from the master template bundle.

As far as how I would progress through the templates- there are no rules, but here are a few examples:

1) The Novice: Novice LP> Strength Template > GPP hypertrophy > Strength Template> GPP Hypertrophy> Strength Template.
2) The Intermediate: Strength Template> GPP Hypertrophy> Strength Template> Time Crunch > GPP Endurance > GPP Hypertrophy > Strength Template
3) The Competitor : Strength Template > GPP Hypertrophy > Strength Template > Time Crunch > Strength Template> GPP Hypertrophy> Strength