Working around cardiovascular constraints - update

Hi Doc Feigenbaum, hope all is well with you and the whole crew.

A few months ago, you gave me some counsel on how to train more effectively given my hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. You asked me to check back in with you on how things went.

Well, things went incredibly well as far as I’m concerned! I competed in my 2nd ever powerlifting meet on May 20. I am now the USAPL Georgia Raw Masters 4A 67.5kg record holder in the Bench, Deadlift and Total! I missed the Squat record, but only by 2.5 kilos, so I’ll get that one next time. I know a lot of guys on the Forum would laugh at my numbers, but I’m thrilled, and I can’t thank you enough. I bought the Low Fatigue template and started the Low ISF 3 Day version 2 weeks ago, and so far I’m loving it. I feel like I got a couple of extra days in the week back, and I look forward to training! I can’t weigh in on performance yet with the Low Fatigue program, but conceptually it seems in line with your earlier advice, so I’m optimistic. Once again, THANK YOU! You, Doc Baraki and your whole crew are the best!​

I do actually have one question about the Low Fatigue approach I’d like to shoehorn into this post. I’m not super confident in my ability to accurately estimate RPE when I do sets where the program calls for RPE less than 8. Does it make sense to occasionally run a set at RPE 6 or 7 out to RPE 9 just to make sure I’m reasonably accurate in my RPE estimation? Thanks again,

Thank you so much for the update and congratulations on your recent meet performance. Job well done!

I’m happy to hear the programming is working out for you so far. For the RPE ratings, I can’t say that taking a set here and there to 9 or 10 is going to really help or hurt much. My concern is over extra fatigue, but if it’s once in awhile, that’s less of a concern. On the other hand, I’m not sure that periodically going to failure helps you do your training in a more productive manner- even if your RPE ratings were inaccurate before.

The bottom end of productive training for maximal strength is > 70% 1RM for multi-rep sets. I suspect even if your RPE ratings were off, you’re well clear of this and so, I’m not sure that getting a hair more accurate actually helps anything. If you’re going to feel better and more confident about your training doing so, then go for it.

My 0.02


Doc, thanks for the RPE counsel. After getting your response, I went back and re-read - carefully, this time - the Low Fatigue Ebook. I believe I’m overthinking RPE. And I also think I am still subconsciously clinging to the idea that I need to force the adaptation, instead of allowing the adaptation to take place and then be able to display it.

So I will re-commit to the right way of thinking and give the programming a chance to work.

Thanks again for everything you guys do.