I was watching an episode of Peppa Pig last night and a character named Mr. Potato was singing a jingle to Peppa’s kindergarden class about a healthy diet: “fruits and vegetables keep us alive, always remember to eat your five” referring to having 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, to which Eduard elephant replied “actually the new recommendation is 7 serving a day” and Mr. Potato quicky changed the jingle to “…always remember to eat your seven”, completely ruining the song. On a Barbell Medicine Podcast last week, Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum said the newest WHO recommendation is now 10 servings a day of fruits and vegetables. Q: Why are the daily dosage recommendations increasing year over year, and how could one realistically fit 10 servings in a day? apparently one whole banana is equal to one serving size, and I can’t imagine eating 10 bananas worth of fruits and vegetables a day. Liebe Grüß aus Würzburg
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There’s actually talk about lowering the recommendations to make them easier to adhere to, e.g. in the UK it’s now 5 a day even though people would be better off if they ate 10.
Depending on the size of your 'nanner, it might be 1-3 servings. In any event, most folks eating 4x per day will have to get 2 servings of fruit and veg (or 1 of each) at each meal and then a snack containing some fruit and veg (or a meal with more than 2 serving. It’s not really that difficult to do provided someone can afford to buy their own food, cook, and count
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