1rm bench


I’ve been really chasing a 100kg bench recently for a 1rm. I know it’s just a number but since I’ve squatted over 3 plates a side and deadlifted over 4 a side I’ve always wanted to bench 2 a side. Been using the strength III program and managed to progress from 85kg max to 95 on the first run. Now on week 12 of a new run of the program and doing well. Added another 5kg to my working sets. Really keen to transition into hypertrophy training for a while after this but really want to get the bench to 100kg first.
Anyway to get to the point. I decided at week 12 today on the first workout of the week to go for the 100kg early since 95kg moved for my RPE 9 single well. Missed the 100kg just about as it got stuck halfway.
I’ve linked the video here…

My question is, is it worth me trying again in week 13 after the fatigue dissipates over the next week since the volume will reduce and might give me the last bit of strength I need to get it… or is it worth going straight for one more run of strength III from the start?




Pretty close there with 100. It might be there next week! Form-wise, it’s hard to see much from this angle, but with the relatively close grip that’s a pretty common spot to miss. I’d probably favor taking 100 next week and seeing how it goes. After that, you can decide what’s next programming-wise.


Thanks Jordan, good to know. It doesn’t appear to have affected my floor press strength today and in fact I added 2.5kg to the bar so fingers crossed for next week. If not I’m positive I’ll get it with one more run of the program