1st time seizure

Hey guys. Had a seizure today for the first time which felt like out of nowhere except for the fact I got very drunk last night, which is rare as I drink maybe 1-2 times a month and rarely get drunk. That is the only context besides a new business I’ve started up the past two weeks that is stressful, and the fact I didn’t sleep/threw up all night last night.

so I was taken to the hospital and now I’m waiting to go see a neurologist I believe to test to see if I need to be on medication. Do y’all have experience with this stuff? Don’t know how common it is to just have one. I’m so scared it’s going to happen again, but I’m hoping it’s a one time thing. Any tips on exercise and what to do? I’m into powerlifting and work with Hassan, but just kind of in a panic right now trying to avoid it happening again.

thank y’all for all you do. I know this is a few questions and not well formed so you will have to excuse me. Just at a loss for words rn.
evan ragsdale

Hi Evan,

Sorry to hear about this situation. I am familiar with these situations, but I don’t think we need to rush into any conclusions here without the necessary information / expertise of the neurologist weighing in. There are lots of reasons why this may have happened, potentially related to the alcohol use, lack of sleep, and vomiting (which can cause significant metabolic/electrolyte derangements that can contribute to seizure). There’s little benefit to me hypothesizing or providing any further recommendations via forum right now, though, so let’s see what comes of the hospital evaluation. It is unlikely that there will be any significant implications for your training moving forward.

Thank you so much Austin! I’ll wait to see what the neurologist says! Definitely in my own head about it and feeling every time I get lightheaded I’m going to have one lol. Appreciate you and the helpful response.