Numbness and tingling in both feet.

Hey there.

Been consistently training in a proper strength routine for about 4 weeks now and an old symptom i’ve had before is back, i’ve noticed. The ball of my right foot has a light tingling sensation on it a few times every few minutes. I also woke up this morning with my left pinky toe feel like it has a band-aid on it.

Is this grounds for enough concern to see a doc? If so, what type of doc would i see? Thanks.

What happened the last time you had this? How old are you? Do you have any medical problems or take any medicines?

It’s hard to say from here based on this information alone - could be something, could be nothing.

Thanks for the reply.

I am 29 years old. The last time this was going was when I was training just like any other block. I was still SBDing, the volume was higher and intensity was lower though. No medical problems or medicines.

There is one large piece worth mentioning though…

I had a transient ischemic attack when I was sixteen. In the end, it was due to a blood clot but no one really could say why that formed. My own opinion is that I was sitting on my ass a lot during that time. I had anxiety issues for years after this due to the fear of a TIA happening again. Ten years back, I was taking Buspirone for the anxiety but i haven’t taken that for at least seven years.

Numbness and tingling in my left hand was the trigger that would kick off the anxiety (it felt like I was going to have another stroke) and then a cycle would be born out of that. More anxiety, more numbness and tingling etc. I don’t really get that anymore though because I convinced myself one day that it was unlikely I’d suffer another TIA. The numbness and tingling in my hands went away once that happened.

This is all to say that I’m familiar with how powerful the mind can be to manifest sensations that aren’t really there. I also don’t understand enough about the nervous system; like, can tingling in your feet just be a sign of a fatiguing CNS exposed to progressive overload? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

See, this is why these sorts of internet forums aren’t the best place for medical advice … that was a very large piece of information left out of the initial post, and opens up the door to tons more questions.

I don’t think we’ll be able to adequately address this issue here.


I feel a bit “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” here. Provide too much detail and I get a “Woah there buddy, slow down, that’s a lot to read.” Provide too little and I get the above.

Thanks though.