Hi all,
Info about me.
34 male
182 lbs
Bf% around 18
Been training around a 1.5 yrs
5rms, squat 335, press 182, bench 257.5, deadlift 345
Have been working with SSOC the whole time I have been training, so my programming is sound and momy form, while certainly still improving, is not complete garbage.
I am in good health and currently taking no medicine.
For a few weeks now I’ve had a spot of persistent numbness at the tip of both big toes. I’ve also just now found two further spots of numbness about 3/4 up my shin just to the outside of my shin bone. Also symmetrical, but left numbness feels a bit stronger, and also persistent, which is to say that they don’t come and go with certain activites.
The numbness feels like it is more at the surface than all the way down, as if a tich of lacal anasthethia had been applied. No significant pain in legs, feet, or lower back except the occasional mild flare up of sciatica.
Visited a doctor before I found the numbs spots in my shins and she suggested that I try changing my shoes. I had been breaking in a pair of new boots for a while before and she wanted to see what happened if I went back to tennis shoes. No change to report.
Without really knowing anything, it would seem very logical to me that there is some kind of nerve compression in my back or leg that is causing this.
I would be very grateful to receive some insight into what might be going on. I would also be very curious to receive suggestions about how, if at all, I should alter my training program whole trying to figure this out.